Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Time!:)

Today we put our christmas stuff up and went and bought our christmas tree. Despite the cold weather, Christmas time if my favorite:) I love everything about it.... the lights, the trees, the snow, sledding:).... and the smell of christmas trees. I found myself today still telling my mom what i want for christmas. Then i came back to what i was thinking about and thought i am missing the whole point of christmas. I was only thinking about what i wanted for presents and money and stuff. But this is about the birth of christ and being with your family. When you miss that, christmas is just not even the same. My grandma puts up happy birthday signs all over her house for christmas because she is really celebrating Jesus's birthday:) haha. And i've thought about it and its okay to think about presents for christmas as long as you remember what christmas is really about.
There was this little boy named Dax who was diagnost with leucemia cancer last year around christmas time and it got the whole town putting up lights for him.... they thought he wouldn't make it to see christmas so they celebrated it early. It turned out he did get to see one last christmas. There is this video on youtube that is a song about him and it is so sweet but its really sad.
This song makes me cry....

This is the christmas tree we bought:).... I hung the star:)